Not Here to Stay Friends is HERE! 🥳💜🌹
The day we thought would never arrive!
Or maybe that’s just me! Today, my second book, NOT HERE TO STAY FRIENDS, is officially out in the world!!! I am so very excited, overwhelmed, grateful, and excited again for good measure. Thank you for pre-ordering, spreading the word, and supporting me on this journey so far!
A proud mother and her children 🥹💕💜
Haven’t snagged your copy yet?
You can now find Not Here to Stay Friends in most places you buy books! My publisher’s site links you to the paperback, ebook, and audiobook editions at various online retailers:
You can also still order signed copies from my local independent bookseller, Joseph-Beth until Thursday 4/6! Signed, personalized copies from this page can be shipped to you, or picked up (and signed) in person at my launch event April 8th at 2:00pm:
Buy SIGNED NHTSF from Joseph-Beth!
Regardless of if you have your copy yet, something that would really mean a lot to me is if you’d tell your friends and family about my book! Shout it out anywhere and everywhere! Post your reviews on retail sites like Amazon and Barnes & Noble! Anything to help readers find this book is so very appreciated. 💜
Not Here to Stay Friends Tour schedule!
I have a few events this week and next, and I hope to see you there!
TODAY Tuesday, April 4th, 6:00pm — Malaprop’s in Asheville, NC AND VIRTUAL — dual book launch with Mazey Eddings, author of The Plus One! More info, including how to attend virtually, here.
Saturday, April 8th, 2:00pm — Joseph-Beth Booksellers in Lexington, KY — hometown book launch in conversation with Gwenda Bond! More info and signed copies here.
Thursday, April 13th, 6:30pm — Union Ave Books in Knoxville, TN — other hometown book launch in conversation with Lauren Morrill! More info here.
That’s all from me today! Just a quick check-in for ya, and a thank you for helping me celebrate my second book release. I’m so, so grateful! Hope some of you can make it to the virtual launch event tonight and/or some of the in-person events this week!
Always here to stay your friend,
Our mailing address is:
Kaitlyn Hill
c/o Triada US Literary
P.O. Box 561
Sewickley, PA 15143